Board 310379 C128(D)


  • Released in 1985
  • PCB Number 310379.
  • Schematic Number 310378.
  • The Board has 2 revisions (Revision 6 and 7)
  • Mainboard is used in the normal C128 and in the C128D (With integrated 1571 drive)

Integrated Circuits

PCB Identifier Chip NumberRemarks Memory Location/bit
U1 6526
CIA 1$DC00
U24066Quad Bilateral Switch
CIA 2$DD00
U874LS08Logic AND
U974F32Quad 2-input or gate
U10Z80BCPU 6Mhz
U1274LS373Octal Latch
U1374LS244Octal 3-state buffer
U1674LS14HEX inverter schmitt trigger
U1774ALS373Octal Latch
U182364128 Char (8K x 8)$D000-$DFFF
U1920162K x 8 SRam color $D800
U204066Quad Bilateral Switch
U218564-R4 (NTSC)
8566-R4 (PAL)
U228563-R7CRT Cntrl$D600
U23441616K x 4 DRam CRT video ramD0-D3
U2474LS244Octal 3-state buffer
U25441616K x 4 DRam CRT video ramD4-D7
U2674LS257A Multiplexer
U27556Dual Timer
U288701CClock Generator
U297406HEX Inverter Buffer
U307406HEX Inverter Buffer
U3174LS00Quad 2-input nand gate
U3223128C64 Kern & Basic (16K x 8)$A000-$BFFF
U3323128Basic (16K x 8)$4000-$7FFF
U3423138Basic (16K x 8)$8000-$BFFF
U3523128Kernal & 40/80 Col Editor (16K x 8)$C000-$CFFF
U3623256Function (32K x 8)$8000-$FFFF
U377406HEX Inverter Buffer
U38416464K x 1 DRAMD0
U39416464K x 1 DRAMD1
U40416464K x 1 DRAMD2
U41416464K x 1 DRAMD3
U42416464K x 1 DRAMD4
U43416464K x 1 DRAMD5
U44416464K x 1 DRAMD6
U45416464K x 1 DRAMD7
U46416464K x 1 DRAMD0
U47416464K x 1 DRAMD1
U48416464K x 1 DRAMD2
U49416464K x 1 DRAMD3
U50416464K x 1 DRAMD4
U51416464K x 1 DRAMD5
U52416464K x 1 DRAMD6
U53416464K x 1 DRAMD7
U5474LS32Quad 2-input or gate
U5574F245Octal bus transceiver
U5674LS74Dual D-type flip flop
U577407HEX Buffer
U5874LS03Quad 2-input nand gate
U59781212Volt Regulator
U607407HEX Buffer
U6174LS08Quad 2-input and gate
U6274LS244Octal 3-state buffer
U637406 (REV 7 only)HEX Inverter Buffer


I/O - Control Ports, Keyboard, User Port, Serial Port, Cassette Port Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 1 of 4
I/O – Control Ports, Keyboard, User Port, Serial Port, Cassette Port
Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 1 of 4
Microprocessors, MMU, SID, PLA, power supply Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 2 of 4
Microprocessors, MMU, SID, PLA, power supply
Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 2 of 4
Video, Clock, Reset Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 3 of 4
Video, Clock, Reset
Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 3 of 4
RAM, ROM Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 4 of 4
Schematic 310378 rev. 6, sheet 4 of 4


I/O - control ports, keyboard, user port, serial port, cassette port Schematic 310378 rev. 7, sheet 1 of 4
I/O – control ports, keyboard, user port, serial port, cassette port
Schematic 310378 rev. 7, sheet 1 of 4


Microprocessors, MMU, SID, PLA, power supply Schematic 310378 rev. 7A, sheet 2 of 4
Microprocessors, MMU, SID, PLA, power supply
Schematic 310378 rev. 7A, sheet 2 of 4
Video, clock, reset Schematic 310378 rev. 7A, sheet 3 of 4
Video, clock, reset
Schematic 310378 rev. 7A, sheet 3 of 4
RAM, ROM Schematic 310378 rev. 7, sheet 4 of 4
Schematic 310378 rev. 7, sheet 4 of 4

Board Image
c128 310379 rev 6 Rev 6. no IC U63 (Top Left above CIA 1)
c128 rev 7Rev 7.